Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello Friends,

I wanted you all to know of the wonderful experience I had this last week working with SCRUBS Medical Mission in Guatemala. Throughout the years I have been part of numerous short-term outreaches but this was truly unique. As we addressed some 600 individual's medical needs over the course of the week, we also had the privilege of seeing beautiful times of ministry among team members as we gathered each evening. Because SCRUBS is a Christian medical organization, we attract not only committed Christians but also medical personnel the Lord is drawing into a more personal relationship. Subsequently, our outreaches have two target audiences; those we attend to medically and those who have volunteered a week of their medical skills. I believe the establishment of SCRUBS is a timely and effective tool for lifting up and presenting the name of Jesus in a special and very relevant way. In response, I have agreed to serve as Board Chairman as we attempt to get 501C3 status in order to secure various funding sources that have been committed once the non-profit status is in place. Our desire is to fulfill growing requests to take multiple teams into Guatemala and Peru. If this new ministry interests you I would love to tell you more. At any rate please spread the word and pray for us as we seek to gather a seed fund of $800 to complete our non-profit status.

Thanks for listening,

Russell Bailiff

(903) 312-7245

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

From the Field!

Hi Everyone!

WHAT AN AMAZING MISSION ALREADY!!!!!! Monday - over 80 patients - 100 children's ministry - 26 firemen training!!!! Tuesday - over 80 patients - 160 children's ministry. MANY OF THE CHILDREN HAVE ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!
We have a small group that is going 3 hours away today to a village in desperate need for medical care.... Theresa, Tim, Russ, Stacy, Beth...please pray for their safety and success today. The Lord has handpicked this team! He has moved and changed each heart in mighty ways!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND PRAYERS. Please continue to pray...we have team members sick and the team starts to ware down about this time. We have much more to do. Pray for our unity.... it’s been wonderful!

Love, Holly & Tim

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Website!

Welcome to the new website! It's still in the works. Please feel free to check out the various pages to learn more about who we are and what we do. Thanks for stopping by!

- Tim and Holly Garland